How to setup Google My Business for Multiple stores Retail Chains

Reading time : 2 minute

Why should you do this? To drive web-to-store traffic!

Google is the number one search engine used by consumers all around the world. And when these customers search for local products, services, or stores, there is a high probability that Google will be the first step of their search (the web impacts indeed 81% of all purchases).

After such a search, the user behavior will vary, but be sure that he’ll look for discounts and for a place to buy what he intends to. The good news for brick & mortar Retail chains is that the probability he ends-up in a physical store is 88%.

It is then clear that your stores must be well positionned on the web!

Want to know more?

Mobilosoft organises two free webinars around the management of Google My Business for Retail Chains:

  • Session 1 : How to Setup a Google My Business Account for Multiple point of sales (more than 20)
  • Session 2 : How to daily manage a Google My Business Account for Multiple point of sales (more than 20)

Subscribe to stay tuned about our next sessions. 

Google My Business, the first step to place your physical stores on the web !

Now, when you think a bit, as Google is the number one place where customers go on-line and search for products and local stores, the first think you need is to have your stores well referenced inside Google. Have you done this already? If not, then, this article is for you. 


How should you do this?

To manage your stores data inside Google, you must first have a Google My Business Account:

  1. Go to:
  2. Use your existing Google Account or create a new one to manage your pos data.

When this is done, you should add your stores inside. There are two options:

  1. Encode your stores manually, one-by-one.
  2. Add all your stores at once by creating a Bulk Upload file – more info here.

Finally, when all this is done, the next step is to ask Google to verify your store information. When Google will have done this, your stores will be available for all the users on:

  • Google Search
  • Google Maps
  • Google +

Are your stores already well positionned on Google?

It is a very good question to start with. To help you evaluate the situation, Mobilosoft proposes a free geolocation audit that will give you insight on what you should improve! For more info:  

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