Batibouw: How to promote your participation on Google and Facebook local pages?

Reading time : 3 minute

While the historic Belgian Batibouw fair opened its doors, it was worth recalling the importance of these events dedicated to interior design and adjoining actors. In a national or even an international context these specialized meetings are an opportunity to retain or attract a new clientele for major brands in the market (mixing furniture, decoration, DIY, appliances …) and more specialized chain stores (kitchen, home decorators, bedding specialist..).

Indeed such moments – note the “Salon de l’Habitat” of Paris in spring, or the “internationale möbelmesse” (imm Cologne) in January – are opportunities not to be missed to present or recall your products and concepts to consumers. One of the goals is to generate even more visits and purchases in your stores the days and months that follow.

To achieve this goal you will have to make a good impression on the interested parties on D- day. But before that you will have to communicate on your presence.

In this article we talk about web tools to use to inform a category of consumers sometimes forgotten: Internet users who are looking for information on the “local” web pages of your stores. Because yes, Internet users do not only consult the website of your brand for information. They also go through other web media, having the features to reference your entire network of stores. This is the case of Facebook and Google My Business.

google-my-business-kitchen specialists

Exploiting these media will allow you to adjust your national message – “See you at the Batibouw Salon” for example – depending on the stores or catchment areas. This will help to strengthen the proximity link and to direct people to your booth!

Publish on Google My Business listings and Facebook “Places” pages

Google My Business allows “physical” outlets to be referenced in Google search results and on Google Maps. This platform is also suitable for retail chains (through group management). In the same logic, the “Locations” feature of Facebook allows you to create the local pages of all your establishments and to locate them on an interactive map, from the main Business / Brand page.

Both tools have an advanced publishing feature to stream text, photo, or video to local pages:

  • Several types of posts (event, offer ..);
  • Several call to action buttons (learn more, register, call ..).



If you’ve set up a national communication about your participation at these exhibitions and want to strengthen it, think about the Google and Facebook posts on the store pages. A few inspirations: publish your days of presence, the location of your stand, a product to discover in preview or any other info that could motivate users to come and meet you.

Take advantage of the business description field of Google and Facebook
Give even more weight to your communication by including it in the presentation insert of the local pages. Attention, as its name suggests this field must primarily allow to present the point of sale and / or the sign. In this case, indicate two or three major events where you will be present in the year is suitable.


Will you be operational for upcoming trade shows and exhibitions?

Batibouw is an important event but others follow quickly. Does your store network need support to implement certain digital actions?

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