[F&B] how to adapt your Facebook pages for Covid closures?

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[F&B] how to adapt your Facebook pages for Covid closures?

After posting an article yesterday on adapting your listings on Google My Business, here are some tips for doing the same on Facebook.

  1. Indicate if you are totally closed or if you operate with adapted services
  2. Adapt your schedules directly to standard hours if necessary
  3. Add a link to your online ordering tool or to your menu
  4. If you remain open, indicate the security measures to be adopted by your customers
  5. Post regularly to show your activity

Are you shut down or are you able to offer some services ?

Communicate with your customers via the Facebook “Posts”. There you can detail with a text, a picture or a video the services you are able to provide at the moment. For example, as a restaurant, you could not be able to offer a dine-in option but you could have curbside pick-up or delivery.


Adapt your hours

If you are temporarily closed due to covid, go to the settings of your local Facebook page and use the “Temporary Service Change” section, indicating there that you are temporarily closed.

If you stay open through catering, you have the following options:

  • Are you operating as usual? → confirm it.
  • Are you open with any service changes?
    • Indicate the service(s) you offer
    • Adapt your classic hours if necessary


If you are open, show what you offer

In the same place “Temporary Service Change”, if you have selected one of the services offered (delivery or take-out), add the url of the service on which consumers can order.

What sanitary measures do you offer?

Use Facebook to present, in a post for example, the safety measures you offer (gel, hand washing, mask, gloves, etc.). This will reassure consumers.

Let people know that you are open

It’s not about being open, nearby consumers need to know that to do this, don’t hesitate to present your activities through Posts.

These will allow you to show, for example your daily specials, your suggestion of the week or to present the life of your establishment during this particular period!

Stay on top of your online presence !

This is a hard time for many. If you need any help, don’t hesitate, we’re here for you.

Good luck and above all, stay safe!

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