How to implement an effective stores reputation management on your website?

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Customer reviews management can be constraining: you have to deal with several media to cover multiple point of sales. On the other side, local managers are keen to spend time to optimise their strategy to generate more results. In this context Mobilosoft developed a tool to simplify the management of the local stores e-reputation.

A platform to implement 3 ways of management…

Decentralised management: choice of independence

Offer to the local managers the possibility to answer to local problematics.

Centralised management: choice of coherence

The company headquarters ensure that all point of sales reviews are managed the same way.

Externalised management: Mobilosoft does it for you!

Further to the creation of simple processes of reviews management, delegate your workload and externalise processes. Mobilosoft, The Local Digital Marketing Platform guarantee a reviews centralisation stemming from several sources (like Google, Facebook, Store Locator, etc.) as well as the possibility to filter them by media or by store.

process platform

Through review management and other web-to-store solutions, Mobilosoft helped 20.000 local businesses to generate more than 55.000.000 visits in 2016!

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