How to use Google Posts to attract more visitors during Labor Day?

Reading time : 2 minute

Labor Day is quickly approaching and consumers will want to find interesting things to purchase during this day. This is the perfect timing to inform them about offers, discounts or events that your stores are likely to offer.

Today we know that Internet users prefer quality content to traditional advertising. Let’s see how to integrate Google Posts with your marketing actions to drive more traffic into your stores during Labor Day.

What is Google Posts?

Google Posts are publications on a business listing (Google My Business) in local Google results and on Google Maps. A publication can include up to 1500 characters, along with a photo or video. It also includes a call to action button that encourages users to: Book, Order Online, Buy, Learn More, Register or Call.

google-posts-mobileExample of a Google My Business and the post section as presented on a mobile phone.



Why Google Posts can generate more visits to stores?

As a reminder, with its + 92% market share of search engines in Europe and around the world, Google is far ahead the most used search platform. His weight in local research is therefore indisputable.

With mobile searches that are increasingly “local”, the Google “Posts” tool is a great way to lead mobile users to a point of sale out or surrounding points of sale. In particular by reinforcing the feeling of proximity through communications specific to each of your store or catchment areas. If your messages are relevant, this research will result in a visit to the point of sale the same day in half of the cases.

Google Posts put in practice :

To create and publish a Google Post:

– Sign in to the Google My Business account.
– Select the targeted location.
– Click Create Post or go to the Posts section (access to the publications history).
– Select the desired Post type: News, Events, Offer or Product
– Add a photo or video, a summary and a call to action button.
– Generate preview before publishing.
– Post if you are satisfied with your message.



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