“How to demystify Amazon Market Place ? How to use Amazon audience in order to increase your sales online ?”

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On Tuesday 7th of May, Aristide Varzea and Moise Denage will give us insights on “How to demystify Amazon Market Place ? How to use Amazon audience in order to increase your sales online ?”

Amazon? Ok I know it from a consumer perspective. But do you really understand the Amazon potential for your business?
50 billion euros of sales in Europe, 100 million unique visitors/month with a growth of 20% per year…

How can your business surf on this new wave? We will demystify this for you!
This workshop will help you to define the right sales strategy for your products and services on Amazon. We will explore the various ways to work with Amazon from Vendor Central, Vendor Express or Seller Central. Which solution is the one for you?
The focus will then be on how to present your products and services through the Amazon platform: Do I need Page A+ or an Amazon store for my business?

Finally, we will bring you in the Amazon Marketing Services, the dedicated advertising platform to advertise your products and services.

VDW full program : www.virtuologydigitalweek.com

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